The Background

The Client is a leading marine manufacturing company specializing in designing and producing a range of cutting-edge marine technology, including catch control and net monitoring sensors, echo sounders, current profilers, and sonar systems. Their innovations are utilized by the global fishing industry.

The Client seeks to enhance customer service and boost sales efficiency by utilizing the existing CRM system and integrating it with their IFS Central system. This one-way integration aims to sync “Products” and “Customers” seamlessly into HubSpot CRM, improving overall customer service, sales efficiency, and effectiveness both internally and externally.

The Challenge

  • Establish a connection between the Central Database (IFS) and the current CRM system.
  • Enable the existing CRM system (HubSpot Service Hub) to oversee service operations.
  • Transfer existing “Customer” and “Product” data from the IFS Central system to the Service Hub.
  • Implement a one-way synchronization mechanism from IFS Central to Service Hub.
  • Enable scheduled, time-based synchronization between IFS Central and Service Hub, with a 24-hour cycle.

Products Used

  • HubSpot
  • IFS9
  • Cloud Server
  • Custom component for data sync

Approach and Key Features

Conducted detailed discovery of business, processes and transformed business processes by leveraging & configuring HubSpot for managing service operations

Data cleaning: Identification and correction of inaccurate and redundant data, de-duplication of Contact, Company, and Products.

Migration: Completed data migration by making desired data transformations like Concatenate the Sales part number and Housing category etc.

Data Sync Uni-directional (IFS to HS): A custom component using Node Js platform created and hosted on a cloud server which runs once in 24 hrs., pulls all the data from IFS in the last 24 hrs., and syncs to HubSpot Company and Custom Object.

The Result

  • Better visibility of customer data with service requests in HubSpot.
  • Improved visibility of products associated with a particular Service.
  • Better tracking of ticket status in HubSpot Service Hub.
  • Seamless flow of integration/data between IFS (Central system) and HubSpot Service Hub.
  • Improved visibility and management of service data in HubSpot.

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