The Background

Number of employees: 200 – 500

The Client’s business targeted B2C, as well as B2B to support the bench jeweler, the jewelry designer, the retail jeweler, the jewelry manufacturer, and the educator with metals, tools & Machines. Headquartered in New Mexico, USA, this company sells a variety of metals and supports wholesalers and Jewelers with tools.

The Challenge

  • The sales team was dissatisfied with the existing Sales process and system.
  • Customer complaints were monitored manually, and leadership had less visibility around the customer issues, resolutions, and SLA adherence
  • Real-time data was not available in the CRM, from SAP as it synced once in 24 hours.
  • Marketing automation and Contact targeting were limited, as order data did not sync to the HubSpot CRM.
  • Order status details were not visible to the team.

Products Used

  • HubSpot
  • AWS
  • SAP
  • 8X8
  • Smartsheet

Approach and Key Features

Process Mapping – Created a process flow map that enlists all the activities that were required to be performed by the Sales team.

Conducted a detailed discovery of Properties that were important for a business to sync between two systems, especially for the continuity of ERP features.

Data Migration – Completed the data migration by making the desired data transformation. SAP data field mapping with HubSpot fields, ensuring no data corruption and loss.

Custom Integration – Developed custom Bidirectional Data sync between SAP and Hubspot using the scheduled job at regular time intervals/real-time sync using Webhooks and AWS Lambda for Smartsheet and 8X8 data is streamed on HubSpot using Node.js custom application.

The Result

  • Better visibility of data to all the team members and leadership.
  • Data Quality, Time efficiency, Error Handling.
  • Automation of manual processes done on ERP.
  • Simplified overall business processes by integrating other 3rd party SAAS applications (Smartsheet & 8X8).

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