The Background

The Client is Mid-Atlantic’s premier manufacturers’ representative and distributor of control valves, process instrumentation, and more.

The Client was using Tour de Force CRM to manage their Sales Process. They were looking to replace Tour de Force CRM (TDF) with a new CRM to effectively manage & automate their Sales Process and increase the outreach with prospective customers. They were also looking to migrate the data from their current CRM system to the new Sales CRM Platform and integrate with Epicor Prophet21, Salesforce, and Service Pro to sync the data bidirectionally for smooth Sales process management.

The Challenge

  • Data inconsistencies among systems (Current CRM) (TDF), ERP (Prophet21), Customer Service platform (Service Pro), and Salesforce.
  • Lack of real-time data availability across business processes.
  • Inconsistencies in the lead handoff from Marketing to Sales team.
  • Lack of visibility for the Sales team regarding customer complaints.
  • The sales team was burdened with navigating multiple systems to provide updates on orders.

Products Used

  • HubSpot
  • Epicor Prophet 21
  • Prophet 21 Middleware
  • Service Pro

Approach and Key Features

Business process designing: Our team collaborated closely with the client’s team to map out their existing processes (AS-IS). Through several iterations, we identified and eliminated redundant activities, resulting in the development of new, optimized processes (TO-BE) mutually agreed upon with the client.

Data Migration: Our team did the initial assessment of the data discrepancy and created a data migration strategy that encompasses data cleansing, data mapping, cleansing, transformation, validation, and loading.

Data Sync Bi-directional (P21 and HS): Our custom Node.js component, hosted on the client’s server, swiftly transmits P21 database changes to HubSpot via webhooks. We’ve also integrated HubSpot workflows and custom code to access P21 APIs, ensuring seamless P21-HubSpot integration.

Data Sync Bi-directional (ServicePRO and HS): We leveraged the same Node JS component to Sync the Service Pro as well.

Salesforce Integration through Native APP: We leveraged the native app to integrate Salesforce with HubSpot to Sync Contacts, companies, and deal objects.

The Result

  • Better visibility of customer data with service order status in HubSpot.
  • Improved visibility of orders associated with all types of pipelines/deals.
  • Seamless flow of integration/data between P21 and HubSpot, as well as Service Pro.
  • Improved visibility and management of Marketing data and sales data in HubSpot.

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