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Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub allows your organisations to communicate with prospects, track leads, and manage customers. Designed to streamline business processes, it reduces the need for manual data entry and automates personalised communication at scale, saving you valuable time and resources.

Unlock your business’s potential with HubSpot. Contact us to ensure a seamless and impactful digital transformation.
HubSpot Sales Hub Features

HubSpot Sales Hub is a CRM platform that centralises essential sales data while providing powerful tools to streamline and manage key sales processes. From deal tracking and contact management to meeting scheduling and workflow automation, Sales Hub empowers teams to optimise their sales efforts. By offering actionable insights through detailed reports, the platform enables sales teams to track performance and refine their approach, ensuring smarter data-driven decision-making that aligns with overall business objectives.

Efficient Lead Management

Sales Hub enables users to automate lead nurturing processes, enabling sales teams to direct their efforts toward following up with leads. Workflows can automate personalised follow-ups based on leads’ interactions with your content, facilitating timely and consistent communication on behalf of sales reps.

Email Tracking and Sequences

HubSpot allows sales teams to track email opens, clicks, and replies in real time. By enrolling contacts in tailored Sequences, reps can connect with leads and customers at strategic intervals, fostering meaningful connections and driving high engagement rates without the need for constant manual effort.

Structured Sales Outlines

Your sales team can utilise interactive Playbooks to gain quick access to battle cards, call scripts and relevant enablement content along with note-taking features. In addition, Snippets provide reusable text that can be easily integrated into calls, live chats, emails, and notes, allowing for quicker and more effective communication.

Sales Pipelines and Deals

Sales Hub provides an intuitive Deal Pipeline system where users can create and customise deal stages to align with their sales process. Sales teams can track deal progress, forecast revenue, and prioritise important opportunities, ensuring that they stay on top of everything.

In addition to its core sales functionalities, HubSpot Sales Hub enhances its value with a variety of powerful features. The platform seamlessly integrates with over 1,600 applications, including Gmail, Outlook, and Microsoft Exchange, enabling smoother team collaboration and more efficient operations. With any HubSpot Sales Hub purchase, you get free access to Live Chat, Meeting Scheduler, E-signature, Conversation Routing, and Calling for streamlined communication and productivity. HubSpot’s E-signature feature, powered by Dropbox Sign, allows users with a paid Sales Hub seat to get electronic signatures on quotes. Conversation Routing ensures that customer inquiries are automatically assigned to the right team members, and built-in Calling capabilities allow for direct call management and tracking within the platform—all at no additional cost.

Girikon’s certified HubSpot developers, administrators and sales specialists help your business optimise sales pipelines, accelerate revenue growth and ensure long-term success.

The Girikon Edge

The HubSpot professionals at Girikon offer round-the-clock support and assist organisations in achieving their business goals effortlessly. With years of experience, Girikon assists organisations onboard or implement HubSpot without hassle. Our unique capabilities include the following:

Our team consists of highly skilled and certified HubSpot professionals with demonstrated experience.

Our HubSpot solutions are crafted to align with the unique goals and challenges of each client.

We offer a wide range of services to address our clients’ HubSpot needs.

We have consistently delivered impactful and transformative HubSpot projects.

HubSpot Case Studies

The Client was using Tour de Force CRM to manage their Sales Process. They were looking to replace Tour de Force CRM (TDF) with a new CRM to effectively manage & automate their Sales Process and increase the outreach with prospective customers.

The Client’s business targeted B2C, as well as B2B to support the bench jeweler, the jewelry designer, the retail jeweler, the jewelry manufacturer, and the educator with metals, tools & Machines.

The Client is a leading marine manufacturing company specializing in designing and producing a range of cutting-edge marine technology, including catch control and net monitoring sensors, echo sounders, current profilers, and sonar systems.

The Client is a B2B seller in the technical engineering manufacturing industry with headquarter in Taiwan. The company makes and distributes motion control products throughout America.

The client is an industry-leading manufacturer, specializes in fabric and metal building solutions for custom and turnkey projects. Renowned for strength and durability, their buildings come with a 50-year frame warranty and a 20-year cover warranty.

The Client is a world leader in the development, supply, and technical support of formulated film coating systems, modified release technologies, and functional excipients for the pharmaceutical and nutritional industries.

Delighted Clients

Learn how we can help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation.
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Level 8, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, VIC 3000, Australia
Greenwood Business Park, LG, Building 1/301 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC 3125, Australia